Reason Children Are Separated From Families at the Border

Why are children being separated from their families?

In April, the United states attorney full general, Jeff Sessions, announced a "naught-tolerance" policy, stating "our goal is to prosecute every case that is brought to usa". Nether the Trump administration's new enforcement policy, every migrant who crosses the edge illegally – even those seeking asylum in the US – is subject to criminal prosecution.

Since children are not allowed to be held in a federal jail, they are taken from their parents and placed in the care of the Role of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

Near 2,000 children have been separated from their families at the Usa southern border over a half-dozen-week flow during a crackdown on illegal entries, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

A DHS spokesman told reporters last week that i,995 minors were separated from one,940 adults between xix Apr and 31 May 2018. Immigrant advocacy groups, however, say hundreds more accept been separated since at least July 2017.

What happens to the children?

After being separated from their parents, the children – some every bit young equally xviii months – are and so treated as "unaccompanied conflicting children", a category which exists primarily to serve children who voluntarily arrive at the border on their own.

Unaccompanied conflicting children are placed in the custody of ORR inside 72 hours of being apprehended by border agents. They then wait, in regime-run facilities, for weeks or months while agency officials search for relatives or sponsors to care for the child while their clearing case is pending.

Reporters who have toured the facilities where families are separated by border patrol officers describe hundreds of children waiting in cages with concrete floors, kept away from their families. I immigration abet told the Associated Printing that a teenager helped care for a young child she didn't know because the child's aunt was somewhere else in the facility. The teen said she had to show others in her prison cell how to change the girl's diaper.

Separated migrant families held in cages at Texas border – video

In the shelters, children are offered toys and books. Merely Colleen Kraft, the president, American Academy of Pediatrics, who toured a shelter in a edge boondocks in Texas, described children in distress.

"Separating children from their parents contradicts everything nosotros stand for as pediatricians – protecting and promoting children'south health," she wrote subsequently her visit. "In fact, highly stressful experiences, similar family separation, can cause irreparable impairment, disrupting a child's brain compages and affecting his or her short and long-term health."

The system is already overburdened, dating dorsum to 2014 when tens of thousands of Key American "unaccompanied minors" fleeing violence and poverty in their domicile countries arrived at the Texas border.

Mothers and children wait to be assisted by volunteers at a humanitarian center in the border town of McAllen, Texas on Friday.
Mothers and children wait to be assisted by volunteers at a humanitarian eye in the border town of McAllen, Texas on Friday. Photograph: Leila Macor/AFP/Getty Images

Can these children exist reunited with their parents?

Immigration advancement groups and attorneys take warned that there is not a clear system in place to reunite families. In 1 example, attorneys in Texas said they had been given a telephone number to help parents locate their children, only it was actually the number for an immigration enforcement tip line.

Advocates for children take said they do not know how to find parents, who are more likely to have important data near why the family is fleeing its habitation country. And if, for case, a parent is deported, there is no clear way for them to ensure their kid is deported with them.

What happened to families before?

When an influx of families and unaccompanied children from Central America arrived at the edge in 2014, Barack Obama'due south administration detained families.

This was harshly criticized and a federal court in 2015 stopped the government from belongings families for months without explanation. Instead, they were released while they waited for their clearing cases to exist heard in courtroom. Not everyone shows up for those court dates, leading the Trump assistants to condemn what information technology calls a "grab and release" program.

U.s. clearing protests equally hundreds of children held in Texas facility – video

Will the Trump administration change its policy?

Donald Trump has repeatedly and falsely blamed the widely condemned practice on Democrats – even though officials in his administration accept publicly advocated for it.

Sessions, the attorney general, has argued that family separation is necessary to deter migrants from trying to cross the border illegally. John Kelly, Trump's master of staff, defended the practice in an interview, arguing that the "name of the game is deterrence".

In a rare statement on policy, Melania Trump said she "hates to see children separated from their families". But she too blamed "both sides" for the current situation, echoing her husband's inaccurate merits that Democrats are responsible for her husband's policy.

The assistants is facing increasing pressure from prominent lawmakers in both parties as well as human rights groups, religions leaders and immigration advocates to halt the practice of separating families.

In a scathing op-ed in the Washington Post, Laura Bush, the wife of former president George Westward Bush, wrote that the cypher-tolerance policy was "cruel" and "immoral".

"These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of Globe War II, at present considered to take been one of the most shameful episodes in Usa history," she wrote.

Republican lawmakers say they want to accost the practice of family separation in a wider immigration bill only its prospects of passing are unlikely.

Homeland secretary defends immigration policy on separating children – video


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